
### 生理作用:

1. **微量元素补充**:南红玛瑙含有铁、锌、硒、铜、铬、钴、镍和锰等人体必需的微量元素。长期佩戴,这些元素可以渗透皮肤,补充人体所需的能量,增强个人气魄与磁场。

2. **改善内分泌**:正红色的南红玛瑙可以改善内分泌,增强免疫功能,加强血液循环和人体新陈代谢,使气色变好,皮肤润滑,调节血压,平和心率。

3. **活化内脏**:偏橘色的南红玛瑙有助于活化内脏,预防便秘,帮助排出毒素,对肝病、风湿、神经痛、静脉曲张等都有舒缓作用。



4. **治疗失眠**:南红玛瑙有助于治疗失眠及避免产生恶梦,对甲状腺、胸腺及声带与太阳神经中枢都有积极作用。

### 心理作用:

1. **增强行动力**:对于缺乏目标及冲劲的人,南红玛瑙能刺激好奇心及行动力。

2. **消除恶意**:南红玛瑙有助于消除敌人的恶意与忌妒,带来和平的新关系。

3. **激发创造力**:南红玛瑙能加强创意与创作力,在创作过程中灵感泉涌。

4. **缓解压力**:南红玛瑙能消除压力与精神紧张,化解代沟,促进人与人之间的坦承相处。

### 其他益处:


1. **增强运势**:南红玛瑙被认为可以吸引正面力量与好运,增强运势。

2. **延年益寿**:南红玛瑙具有聚集能量、吸收排泄过剩的功效,可协调阴阳、活血通脉,祛除病痛,延年益寿。

3. **调节生理**:南红玛瑙的物理特性可以在白天吸光、晚上放光,有助于调节生理节律。



1. **清热燥湿**:酒黄芩能够清热解毒,燥湿止泻,对于湿温、暑温引起的胸闷、恶心、呕吐等症状有显著疗效。

2. **泻火解毒**:适用于治疗因火毒引起的温热病、上呼吸道感染、肺炎、痢疾等症。

3. **止血**:对于衄血、呕血、咯血、便血等出血症状有一定的治疗作用。

4. **安胎**:对于孕妇胎动不安有安胎作用,是孕妇常用的安胎药材之一。

5. **抗菌作用**:酒黄芩具有一定的抑菌性能,对于呼吸道感染、肺炎、急性菌痢等疾病有辅助治疗作用。


6. **调节血压**:对于高血压患者有一定的调节作用。

7. **治疗其他疾病**:酒黄芩还能用于治疗黄疸、肺热咳嗽、高热烦渴、痈肿疮毒、肾炎、肾盂肾炎、钩端螺旋体病等。



– 脾肺虚热者:如中寒作泄、中寒腹痛、肝肾虚而少腹痛、血虚腹痛、脾虚泄泻、肾虚溏泻、脾虚水肿、血枯肝郁肾虚、气虚小水不好、肺受凉邪喘咳、及气血两虚胎躁动不安、肾阴虚淋露等。



1. **润肺止咳**:雪梨具有生津润燥、清热化痰的功效,而猪肺含有丰富的蛋白质和多种维生素,能够滋养肺脏,二者结合能够有效缓解咳嗽、喉咙干燥等症状。

2. **清热解毒**:雪梨性凉,能够清热解毒,对于体内积热引起的各种不适有很好的缓解作用。


3. **养阴润燥**:秋季天气干燥,雪梨猪肺汤能够帮助补充体内水分,缓解秋燥,保持身体水分平衡。

4. **增强免疫力**:猪肺中的营养成分有助于增强人体的免疫力,对于预防感冒等疾病有一定的积极作用。

5. **促进消化**:猪肺中的某些成分可以帮助促进消化,对于食欲不振、消化不良等情况有一定的改善作用。

6. **补虚益肺**:猪肺富含蛋白质、脂肪以及多种微量元素,对于身体虚弱、肺虚气短等症状有很好的滋补效果。

7. **改善心血管功能**:猪心富含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素B1、维生素B2等,有助于增强心肌营养和心肌收缩力。


– 体质虚寒、脾胃虚弱者应减少食用;
– 对猪肺或雪梨过敏者不宜食用;
– 患有感冒发热者不宜食用。



1. **活血化瘀**:田七菜具有活血化瘀的功效,能够预防血小板聚集和血栓形成,加速纤溶过程,对于治疗跌打损伤、瘀血疼痛等症状有显著效果。


2. **止血**:田七菜能行气止痛、活血止血,对于外伤出血、牙龈出血、消化系统出血等症状有良好的止血作用。

3. **消肿止痛**:田七菜对风湿骨痛、痈肿疼痛等病症有很好的治疗效果,能够消肿止痛,改善症状。

4. **养心护肝**:田七菜中的齐墩果酸具有保护肝脏的作用,对心悸、心慌、胸闷等症状有一定的疗效,能够养心护肝。

5. **促进血液循环**:田七菜中的黄酮类物质可以扩张血管、促进血液循环,对动脉硬化有一定的疗效,对高血压、高血脂等症有一定的治疗作用。

6. **抗疲劳、抗衰老**:田七菜能消除人体疲劳,提高工作效率,还能增强人体体质,具有抗衰老的作用。


7. **提高免疫力**:田七菜富含多种维生素、矿物质和生物碱等营养物质,能够增强人体免疫力。

8. **辅助治疗月经不调**:田七菜对于女性月经不调有一定的治疗作用,能够活血调经。

9. **食用多样**:田七菜不仅可以作为中药材使用,还可以作为蔬菜食用,其食用方法多样,如凉拌、炒蒜泥、涮火锅等。



### 营养价值

1. **高蛋白**:蚕蛹是高蛋白食品,其蛋白质含量高达60%以上,是肉类食品的2-3倍。
2. **脂肪**:蚕蛹含有较高的脂肪,但主要是健康的不饱和脂肪酸。
3. **矿物质**:蚕蛹含有丰富的矿物质,如钙、磷、铁、锌等。


4. **维生素**:蚕蛹含有多种维生素,如维生素B1、B2、B3、B5、B6、B12等。
5. **其他营养素**:蚕蛹还含有一些微量元素和氨基酸。

### 注意事项


1. **过敏体质**:蚕蛹属于高蛋白食品,过敏体质的人食用后可能会引起过敏反应,如皮肤瘙痒、呼吸困难等,因此过敏体质的人应避免食用。
2. **寄生虫风险**:在野外捕捉的蚕蛹可能存在寄生虫的风险,食用前应确保蚕蛹来源可靠、新鲜。
3. **烹饪方法**:蚕蛹的烹饪方法多种多样,但需注意烹饪时间要充足,以确保彻底煮熟,杀死寄生虫。
4. **食用量**:蚕蛹虽然营养价值高,但过量食用可能会导致消化不良、腹泻等症状,因此应适量食用。
5. **孕妇和小孩**:孕妇和小孩的消化系统较为脆弱,应谨慎食用蚕蛹。



1. **白头翁**:


– **清热解毒**:白头翁具有清热解毒的作用,对于热毒引起的疾病,如咽喉肿痛、口腔溃疡等,有一定的缓解效果。


– **凉血止痢**:白头翁能够凉血,对于血热引起的腹泻、痢疾等症状有一定的治疗作用。
– **明目**:白头翁还有助于明目,对于因肝火旺盛引起的眼部不适有一定的改善作用。
– **燥湿杀虫**:白头翁还有燥湿杀虫的功效,可用于治疗湿毒引起的皮肤病、虫咬等症状。

2. **乌梅**:
– **收敛生津**:乌梅具有收敛生津的作用,可以用于治疗口渴、咽干等症状。
– **安蛔驱虫**:乌梅对于肠道寄生虫有一定的驱虫效果,同时也能安蛔,缓解虫扰引起的腹痛。


– **温经止血安胎**:乌梅还具有温经止血、安胎的功效,对于血虚引起的出血症状,以及孕妇胎动不安有一定的缓解作用。

– **增强免疫力**:通过食用含有白头翁和乌梅的炖鸡蛋,可能有助于增强人体的免疫力,提高抗病能力。
– **调节肠胃**:白头翁和乌梅对于调理肠胃有一定的帮助,可能有助于改善消化不良、腹泻等症状。
– **补充营养**:鸡蛋是营养丰富的食品,炖煮后更容易消化吸收,可以为人体提供蛋白质、维生素和矿物质等营养素。


Jade Duxiu didn’t dare to delay several branches when he saw this. Suddenly, he stretched out and wound away toward the innate laurel. The innate laurel didn’t resist, but instantly catered to the intertwined branches of both sides. It seemed that in an instant, he returned to the company of hundreds of millions at the beginning of the epoch.

Yin-yang intercourse, destruction and replacement of congenital yin-yang complementarity
Chapter 777 Laurel gives Tai Chi
The branches of Yu Duxiu’s congenital hibiscus and the branches of the congenital laurel are constantly intertwined, and the essence of the two is slowly blending and running.
Jade Duxiu was born with a hibiscus wooden body, and Vulcan is only a god of heaven and earth. Although the hundreds of millions of true fire elves of the sun are disciplined, they can be temporarily suppressed.
Yu Duxiu didn’t think that it was the innate laurel, the innate hibiscus, that had just touched the sun, and the true fire elves felt the innate hibiscus, and then unexpectedly abandoned the innate laurel, and the ball the size of a fist flew out of the laurel and fell into the innate hibiscus, playing constantly in the branches of the innate hibiscus.
"It’s a pity that you’re late, otherwise you and I can really take this opportunity to prove that we can’t die." A faint thought came from the innate laurel
Jade Duxiu didn’t say much. At this time, the innate laurel and the innate hibiscus wood blended, but a strange feeling rose in Jade Duxiu’s heart. This is a perfect harmony.
"Come on, I’ve had a bad law in this life, but now I’m going to be you. I didn’t care about each other in ancient times, but now I’m going to give you my life body to help you get the yin certificate in the future." Taiyin Xiandao
"You …"
Don’t wait for Yu Duxiu to say more, but see that the lunar fairy has guided Yu Duxiu Yuan Shen into the innate laurel.
With this innate laurel master’s guidance, Jade Duxiu naturally refines this innate laurel easily.
Congenital hibiscus, wood and yang, congenital laurel yin
Congenital hibiscus trees destroy congenital laurel trees.
One yin, one yang, one destruction, one fate, the intercourse of yin and yang, Tai Chi Sheng.
Virtual slightly twisted two red, naked white jade bodies slowly emerge in the congenital hibiscus. At this time, the two white bodies are intertwined, and the congenital rhymes slowly flow in the virtual space. At this time, the congenital hibiscus is also together, and the rhymes are slowly blending with Yin and Yang.
After a long time, Yu Duxiu, the lunar fairy, slowly opened his eyes and felt the softness and sweetness of his arms as sweet as the faint osmanthus. At this time, Yu Duxiu’s Yuan God was a clear.
"If this congenital fuso wood billions of wishes to achieve all distractions once and for all, I will be born with fuso in the future, and I will vent my desires. If it is true, it is better to block it." Jade Duxiu’s heart andao
The lunar fairy quietly leaned against Jade Duxiu’s chest, and her white body was attached to Jade Duxiu’s body. Jade Duxiu sighed slightly, "It’s a pity that your hundreds of millions of practices are now going to disappear."
The lunar fairy smiled gently and looked up at Jade Duxiu. At this time, the hundreds of millions of glaciers that had not melted were smiling. "Who said that hundreds of millions of people are waiting for you until you return from reincarnation?"
"I am not a lover" Yu Duxiu hugged Taiyin Xian.
The lunar fairy smiled without saying a word for a while before saying, "I didn’t expect you to have been to the Kunlun Mountain long ago, but you also took out the legacy of a lifetime. It didn’t come to digest it. Now that you have a congenital laurel yin and yang intercourse, you can surely get a short-term certificate of perfection, and you will be allowed to enter the fairy road."
There is no joy in landing the quasi-fairy jade solo. "Do you really want reincarnation?"
Taiyinxian nodded. "You must be aware of reincarnation, but I can’t be inferior to you now that you have been reincarnated and returned to the afterlife."
Jade Duxiu sighed faintly but didn’t speak. After a while, it suddenly said, "What a pity."
When I said this, I saw that the innate hibiscus wood and the innate laurel slowly leaned together and the communication became closer and closer.
The lunar fairy slowly loosens the jade and shows off the whole body, and the divine light flashes too yin to interweave the clothes. Looking at the jade and shows off, it is a light smile, "shame is not ashamed."
Jade Duxiu noncommittally slowly put on clothes and then looked at Lunar Fairy’s unique face. "If you don’t reincarnate with the innate laurel, it will be difficult for me to have the innate laurel to protect you, but I am relieved that even if there is any change, the innate laurel can protect you."
"No, this innate laurel is more important to you than proving that the anode gives birth to the yin key. There must be no delay. It is the most unreliable thing to know about reincarnation. I don’t know when I will return from reincarnation. If I miss your path, it is a pity that hundreds of millions have waited for that taste. I have tried it." Lunar fairy’s eyes flashed through vicissitudes of life
Jade Duxiu remained silent for a while but saw that Jade Duxiu took out a scroll from the sleeve and handed it to Lunar Fairy.
"You’re a terrible baby. It seems that even the godfather’s Taoist multiplier is better than not."
Jade Duxiu touched the bar. At this time, the innate hibiscus wood settled around the sun, but it didn’t prevent you from moving. "This innate yin-yang diagram will send you to be a reincarnation protector in the future. If you are born in the world, I will find you at the first time."
"This congenital Yin-Yang diagram is not a magic weapon of my life. If I can hold reincarnation," Taiyin Xian chuckled.
Jade Duxiu smiled. "It’s a magic weapon that prevents me from transforming the innate Yin and Yang into your three souls and seven spirits. Even if you have gone through many cycles, this innate Yin and Yang diagram can ensure that you will never die, but it is my guide to find you."
"Let me help you refine this innate Yin-Yang diagram" said Jade Duxiu to the Lunar Fairy Way.
The lunar fairy chuckled and didn’t refuse to refine the innate Yin-Yang diagram with the guidance of the jade solo method.
As time goes by slowly, the sun star doesn’t count the years, and I don’t know how long it will take. When the instantaneous streamer of the congenital Yin and Yang diagram disappears into the celestial body of Taiyin, it disappears and disappears.
Jade Duxiu Taiyin Fairy slowly opened her eyes "but it became"
"Alas, I don’t know when I can meet you in this reincarnation. Maybe I will be born in the world after millions of years." Lunar fairy looked at Yu Duxiu and stretched out her palm and gently stroked her cheek.
Jade Duxiu moved her finger to hold the Lunar Fairy in her arms. "Even if I have a congenital fuso fairy, I will wait for you if you don’t return the million."
At this time, the lunar fairy smiled gently and made people look at wait for a while. "If you wait for me, what should you do with your fiancee in the East China Sea?"
Jade show a slight sigh "even some trouble"
"It’s more than trouble, but it’s a big trouble. The Dragon King in the East China Sea is bound to plot against you. It should be noted that the dragon boasts that the noblest race in the heavens is to look down on the Terran, even the first ancestor in those days. What’s worse, you are an underage fairy." The eyes of the Lunar Fairy Mouth are flashing with cold light.
Jade Duxiu shook his head. "It doesn’t matter if everyone takes what he wants. I need the Four Seas Dragon King to balance all the great godfathers. If Aole gets married in the future, I will treat him with respect and love."
"Then I am like myself." Lunar Fairy looked at Jade Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu smiled. "I’ll accept you as an apprentice then."
"Necrosis" that lunar fairy hammered Yu Duxiu with one punch.
Jade Duxiu sighed gently, and slowly Song Taiyin Fairy turned to look at the two innate spiritual roots and then sighed slightly. "You said that these two innate spiritual roots represent the destruction of nature, but I don’t know if these two innate spiritual roots melt. It’s another situation."
The lunar fairy walked over to Jade Duxiu’s side and took Jade Duxiu’s palm and gently said, "You’ll know when you prove that the fairy road anode produces Yin."
"Yes, by that time, you will naturally know whether you will appear by my side when I pass the fairy road." Jade Duxiu turned and looked at Lunar Fairy.
Taiyinxian smiled gently. "You practice too fast. I’m afraid it’s reincarnation. You can’t celebrate."
Jade Duxiu smiled gently and sniffed the sweet-scented osmanthus smell in the air. The light in her eyes became clearer and clearer, and a light was slowly emerging.

This appearance is really weird

Bai Jie’s assistants, Lin Yang and Chen Quan, stepped forward to take off the body in a black suit and Bai Jie was able to dissect it.
In the process of undressing the body, Lin Yang found that there were only two scars on the body.
One is a small hole about the thickness of chopsticks in the back of the head and neck; The other is a cut about five or six centimeters long along the rib space in the chest.
Whether it’s a small hole in the back of the head and neck or a chest rib incision, it’s clean without a trace of blood.
I don’t know if the blood of this corpse has already been released or for other reasons …
"It’s strange that this corpse is so rotten that I can’t see a trace of decay?"
By this time, not only Lin Yang and Chen Quan, but even Bai Jie couldn’t help but frowned and muttered with surprise.
With all kinds of questions and puzzles, the three men dissected the body.
When Bai Jie scalpel scratched the chest of the corpse, a stench several times stronger than before immediately poured out from the chest of the corpse, making three people dizzy and nauseous.
Chen Quan couldn’t help exclaiming, "How did this happen?"
It’s completely different from the condition of intact body surface. The chest and abdomen of the corpse were rotten and shapeless. Even Bai Jie, who has rich experience in the field of anatomy, couldn’t help but frown when he saw this scene.
It’s the first time that she has dissected so many bodies that she has seen such a completely decomposed body without a body. Isn’t this unreasonable?
However, there are even more irrational and surprising things.
After the rotting organs in the chest and abdomen of the corpse were removed, the three men found that the heart of the corpse was gone, and other organs, whether lungs, liver or gastrointestinal tract, were still rotted to varying degrees, but the heart was not even seen.
Although I was told that the victim’s death was bizarre when I came, I still felt shocked after the three witnessed it with my own eyes, and I also felt a sense of back chills and horror.
"How did the murderer take the victim’s heart? There is only a five-centimeter-long incision in the victim’s chest. It is impossible to take the heart from here. " Chen Quan frown really don’t understand how the murderer did it.
Lin Yang and Bai Jie’s doubts are not less than his. It’s just that these two people are able to keep calm.
With the dissection, the surprise and doubt in the hearts of the three people are getting deeper and deeper.
Because they found that not only the heart disappeared, but also the brain. There was no scar on the head of this corpse. The only wound was the small hole in the back neck. But how can a person’s brain be completely taken away by such a chopsticks-sized hole?
According to the three men, the brain was completely taken away after the corpse’s head was disassembled, leaving no dregs.
How on earth did the killer do this?
How on earth did he take the victim’s heart and brain?
What’s the use of him taking these things?
Bai Jie and Chen Quan even want to break their heads.
Lin Yang’s heart is also full of confusion, but he also saw some unusual situations in this corpse …
After a few hours of busy work, the three men finally finished the autopsy of this corpse, and Chen Quan also arranged all kinds of situations found on the surface of this corpse and wrote an autopsy report.
While writing about Chen Quan, I asked, "Although the body surface of this corpse is intact, judging from the degree of organ decay, the victim died at least five days, right?"
"Yes," Bai Jie nodded.
"That …" After a hesitation, Lin Yang still said, "I don’t think the victim died that long. He should have died … today."
"To die today? How is it possible? "Chen Quan retorted immediately." The victim’s organs have rotted like that. It’s less than five days of death. "
Bai Jie frowned but didn’t reprimand Lin Yanghu. Instead, he asked, "Tell me about your reasons."
Lin Yang said, "The wounds on the victim’s chest and back neck are still intact and there is no decay. I think he should die soon …"
In fact, this is not the real reason when he concluded that the victim died.
He believes that the victim died today because of the three soul fires on the victim’s head and shoulders. If the victim died for more than 24 hours, then the three soul fires on his head and shoulders should be completely extinguished. But now, although the three soul fires have become dim, there is still a faint flame shaking, which proves that the victim never died for more than 24 hours. Unfortunately, Lin Yang could not say this reason, so he could explain it with the scars on the victim’s chest and back neck.
"You can find this detail and say that your observation ability is very good." Although Bai Jie praised him, he didn’t believe his judgment. "But this body was obviously specially treated by the murderer, otherwise it wouldn’t have rotted and deteriorated, but there was no special situation at all. In this state, we should judge the death according to the decay of the viscera, sometimes not through the specially treated surface wounds …"
Although Lin Yang insisted that the victim died less than 24 hours ago, he couldn’t come up with strong evidence to say Bai Jie.
The final autopsy report says that it was still five days when he died.
Chapter 236 Missed a lively event
When the three men walked out of the autopsy, it was already dark
After changing back to their clothes, the three men are ready to go to the conference room on the first floor, where the police of the city criminal police are still waiting to see the autopsy report to understand the situation of the body.
When I was building, Lin Yang took out his mobile phone from her pocket and wanted to see it, but I was surprised to find that there were several missed calls.
All the callers are the same person-Zhang Jiajia, vice president of Wushu Club of Medical College.
"I wonder why Sister Zhang called me so many times?" Lin Yang wondered.
Even if he missed the Wushu club training this afternoon, Zhang Jiajia wouldn’t have called so six or seven words, would he? Did something happen?
Thought of here, he quickly said to Bai Jie, "Miss Bai, I’ll make a call and wait for you in the conference room."
Bai Jie well a promise.
Chen Quan kindly woke up and said, "Dude, turn right behind the building. The fifth door is the conference room. Come here when you’re finished."
"Ok, I know." Lin Yang nodded and then dialed Zhang Jiajia dialect by the corridor window.
Melodious ringtones immediately sounded for about ten or twenty seconds before Zhang Jiajia answered the phone.
Before Lin Yangkou asked Zhang Jiajia, he said, "Teacher Lin, what are you up to? I can’t believe you haven’t answered the phone. I said, you shouldn’t be doing something ulterior, right? "

On the spot, men, women and children were completely shocked.

Although I knew that the leader of Hangzhou was very strong, I never thought it would be so strong!
If you want to hit the 6 th and 7 th level equipment, you have to challenge the 6 th and 7 th level monsters, and half of the stall equipment is white and the rest is bright gray, which is obviously not something that ordinary monsters can explode.
Is it true that Boss Hang has been able to brush 6-level and 7-level elite monsters?
He is really a man who leads the team to fight wild boar camp.
It’s really horrible!
For others,
It is very difficult to equip.
The explosion rate of ordinary monsters is very low, and elite monsters can’t beat them.
Hunting monsters far below their own level?
Although it will be much easier to kill, the absorption effect of killing foreign monsters below level 2 will deteriorate with the increase of level, and the probability of falling monsters will also decrease accordingly. It is not cost-effective for a long time and will affect development
People who can appear in this camp at this moment
They are all above average.
But even if they die in one day, they will get one or two pieces of equipment, and the quality is generally not high
Hang Yu, what is the situation?
He spent a day in the maze and sometimes talked.
Harvest bright gray equipment, 20 pieces of white equipment and 19 pieces of white equipment add up to more than 40 in total. If the giant tree guardian drops the green equipment, it will be almost 50 and all of them are advanced equipment!
It’s incredible!
Although more than half of them are obtained by cat and demon nests and monsters killing each other.
But even if you don’t count this batch
Hang Yu’s achievements in one day are still as high as twenty or thirty.
This figure doesn’t include things outside the equipment. If you include getting the formula, finding valuable materials and skill stones … anyone would have to give their knees!
Hang Yu wondered.
Don’t be too busy shouting 666, you salted fish
Old man, is this a stall or a pretense?
In fact, you can’t blame everyone for not buying the level 3 in the camp, even if it’s good. Elite level 4 people can be considered masters with one exception. When everyone is still at the level 34, they run out and sell level 67 equipment. I want to know that it is definitely not easy to sell.
What’s more, the wild boar hunter reaped hundreds of pieces of equipment in one breath.
The wild boar camp is relatively rich in equipment at present.
But at this time.
"Boss Hang, I want a few pieces of equipment here."
Hang Yu looked around and saw a big, bear-like, bearded, bandit-like crazy man coming out. When he saw Hang Yu show off his equipment, his eyes suddenly flashed out.
It turned out to be an old bear!
He saw many pieces of equipment.
These equipment include a few unsold pieces of four or five grades of high-quality white clothes, several pieces of gray equipment with excellent attributes and Gargoyle spell robes.
"Oh, you have a vision!"
"You have great potential in picking these pieces of equipment."
Husky immediately shook his tail when he saw a business door.
Of course, Lao Xiong has a vision. In less than a month, he has earned a lot of money by reselling equipment and materials. Now he has accumulated more and more wealth and is more and more emboldened.
He looked at these pieces of equipment.
He can change hands soon.
Grade four or five high-quality white clothes are the most popular equipment at present, and there is no need to find a seller.
Equipped at level 6? For humans, it is indeed a little ahead of time, but I believe it will become popular in half a month, and several pieces of 6-level bright gray equipment selected by Lao Xiong have unique attributes. Such equipment will definitely have a good market when it is brought back to this world.
Gargoyle spell short robe?
This piece is the formation of a level 6 suit with very good attributes.
Nowadays, some people have suits one after another. Recently, the price of such equipment has gone up.
Husky directly said, "Oww Wang gave a preferential price on behalf of the boss, three excellent white clothes and six bright gray equipment plus a precious suit, and now he needs a horse to pack it and take it home."
One hundred and ten white crystals?

The men who work in the seafood truck in this factory have no girlfriends.

There are some young beauties wandering in the street.
"Besides, isn’t it lonely that you stay in the factory all year round?" His implication is to tease this brave brother. Aren’t you worried that his sister-in-law will make him green?
"It’s okay. My daughter-in-law is not good-looking and she is still lame."
When Yang Guang heard this, he was puzzled that this brave brother was not ugly although his education level was not high. His monthly salary was at least four or five thousand, and he was not poor in some economically underdeveloped cities.
Why are you looking for …
Yang guang began to ask, but he didn’t have a mouth.
Brother Yong seems to just want to talk about his heart. He usually tells things that he has never told anyone. "I didn’t think about begging for a wife before, and I couldn’t control my money at that time. I also like to play chess. I’m broke, but I still owe a debt. Now I’ve finally paid it off. But I’m too old. Which girl is willing to marry me?"
"Then my mother became seriously ill and asked me to find a daughter-in-law to have a baby, otherwise she would die unsatisfied."
Then the story is a bit bloody, but it is more suitable for ordinary people’s lives. Someone gave him a matchmaking, an older woman who was born lame and still not very good-looking.
Brother Yong didn’t like it at that time, but he thought that if he didn’t marry again, he might not even have a lame girl.
One generation after another has been a problem for thousands of years.
Human reproduction is sometimes not love.
Those who have love and are happy are a minority after all, and most men and women are like living together.
After ringing the doorbell, a young man in his twenties answered the door.
Took Yang Guang’s takeaway in one hand, and then after Yang Guanggang was ready to speak, he directly said, "Don’t ask for five-star praise."
Yang guang tightened his fist, but it was soon loose. He still showed a smiling face. "I hope you can help me order a five-star praise. Thank you. Have a nice meal."
Praise is money and bonus for Yang Guang, a takeaway.
The more favorable comments, the better.
Chapter five hundred and ten Self-beating face
Wonderful things are wonderful because what they do is different from normal people.
"I always let you roll. You still beep, don’t you? I will give you a bad review when I am old, and I will ask you to give you a bad review every day to piss you off. "
Then the door slammed.
read from beginning to end without stopping
It seems that he has done this a lot, or he is simply unhappy and vented it on others. It seems that he can’t resist him when delivering takeout, right?
Yang guang can choose not to take orders.
But it’s more difficult to mix up if someone is malicious.
Moreover, the more bad comments he makes, it will definitely have a great impact on his salary performance.
At this time, Yang Guang found himself a little mean and a little regretful, even if he experienced life, shouldn’t he?
Is this effective?
But the problem is that Yang Guang has noticed a little effect. In that food processing factory, it is like this, and I feel that kind of situation is becoming more and more obvious after delivery.
It’s like some mysterious women with veils are about to see the truth, but they can’t see it through a layer of gauze
I endure the world of mortals!
Yang guang’s patience did not bring good results.