
1. **修复肌肤屏障**:雅顿金胶的主要成分包括神经酰胺、胆甾醇、亚油酸等,这些成分能强化肌肤的防御屏障,修复受损的肌肤屏障,对于敏感肌或屏障受损的肌肤尤其适用。

2. **抗衰老与抗皱**:雅顿金胶含有多种抗氧化成分,如海茴香提取物、角鲨烷、生物醇等,能有效减少肌肤细纹的产生,阻止胶原蛋白的流失,增加肌肤的弹性,帮助肌肤恢复年轻状态。

3. **保湿补水**:金胶含有三种脂肪酸与神经鞘氨醇等高效保湿成分,涂抹后能够锁住肌肤水分,避免水分流失,使肌肤保持水润状态,特别适合干燥缺水的肌肤。

4. **调理肤质**:雅顿金胶含有亚油酸、亚麻酸和胆固醇等成分,能够修护皮肤角质层,保持肌肤水油平衡,适用于各种肤质,帮助肌肤恢复正常状态。


5. **舒缓肌肤**:金胶中的天然维生素A和植物鞘氨醇等成分具有舒缓肌肤的作用,能够缓解肌肤受到的刺激,对于敏感肌的修复和舒缓特别有效。

6. **改善肤色**:雅顿金胶中的海茴香提取物和维生素A等成分有助于平滑肌肤,提亮肤色,使肌肤细嫩柔滑。

7. **去痘印**:由于金胶具有修复和抗炎的作用,它还可以帮助改善痘印。

– 洁面后,使用爽肤水。
– 轻轻旋转胶囊的突出部位,使其开口。
– 用手指取适量精华液,均匀涂抹于脸部。
– 轻轻按摩至完全吸收。



1. **温经散寒**:艾叶性味辛温,具有温经散寒的作用,对于因寒湿引起的腹痛、关节疼痛等症状有缓解作用。

2. **祛湿止痒**:艾叶能够祛除湿气,对于湿疹、荨麻疹等皮肤问题有治疗作用,可以缓解皮肤瘙痒。

3. **抗菌消炎**:艾叶中含有多种挥发油和其他活性成分,对部分细菌和病毒有抑制作用,具有一定的抗菌消炎作用。

4. **止血**:艾叶经过炒碳处理后,具有一定的止血功效,常用于治疗月经过多、崩漏等出血病症。

5. **促进血液循环**:艾叶可以扩张血管,促进血液循环,有助于皮肤的修复和再生。

6. **镇痛作用**:艾叶具有一定的镇痛效果,可以缓解轻度的疼痛和不适。

7. **调理气血**:艾叶有助于促进气血运行和畅通,对改善气血不足、手脚冰凉等症状有一定的帮助。

8. **安胎**:对于胎动不安有一定的调理作用,常用于孕妇保健。

9. **驱蚊**:艾叶的特殊香味对蚊虫有一定的驱赶效果,可以用于驱蚊。

10. **治疗支气管炎**:对于慢性支气管炎、咳痰、气喘等症状有缓解作用。

11. **治疗女性月经不调、痛经、宫寒等**:对于子宫和卵巢有非常好的调理作用。

12. **抗菌、抗病毒**:艾叶中的挥发油和萜类成分对细菌和霉菌均有抑制作用。





### 营养价值

1. **蛋白质和脂肪**:羊肉含有丰富的蛋白质,含量较猪肉和牛肉高,且其脂肪含量相对较低,有利于健康。

2. **维生素B族**:羊肉含有维生素B1、B2、B6等多种B族维生素,有助于维持神经系统的健康,促进新陈代谢。

3. **矿物质**:羊肉中含有的矿物质包括钙、磷、铁、钾、碘等,这些矿物质对骨骼健康、血液生成和心脏功能都至关重要。


4. **维生素A和E**:羊肉还含有维生素A和E,这两种维生素对视力和皮肤健康有重要作用。

5. **其他营养素**:羊肉中还含有硒、精氨酸等对人体有益的营养素。

### 功效与作用

1. **温补脾胃**:羊肉性温,适合脾胃虚寒的人群食用,可以缓解反胃、身体瘦弱、畏寒等症状。

2. **温补肝肾**:羊肉对于肾阳虚所致的腰膝酸软、阳痿等症状有缓解作用。

3. **补血温经**:对于产后血虚经寒引起的腹冷痛,羊肉有一定的治疗效果。

4. **保护胃黏膜**:羊肉能够增加消化酶的分泌,帮助消化,保护胃壁,修复胃黏膜。

5. **增强免疫力**:羊肉中的营养素有助于提高身体素质,增强抗病能力。


6. **改善贫血**:羊肉富含铁元素,有助于改善贫血症状。

7. **调节血脂**:羊肉中的某些成分有助于降低胆固醇和甘油三酯,降低血液粘稠度,预防血栓形成。

8. **治疗消化不良**:羊肉中的蛋白质和碳水化合物有助于促进消化液的分泌,增强胃肠蠕动,改善消化不良。

9. **治疗高血压**:适量食用羊肉有助于降低血压。

10. **治疗肾虚**:羊肉中的蛋白质可以补充营养,对肾虚有一定的缓解作用。

11. **治疗慢性肾炎**:羊肉有助于缓解慢性肾炎引起的症状,如水肿、腰膝酸软等。

### 食用调理常识


1. **炖羊肉**:炖羊肉是最营养的吃法,既能吃肉又能喝汤,煮过肉的汤营养程度非常高。

2. **烤羊肉**:烤羊肉串是新疆地方风味小吃,风味独特。




1. **健脑益智**:油松子中含有丰富的油脂和磷脂,对脑神经有很好的营养作用,可以促进神经元生长,提高脑神经功能,预防记忆力下降,从而有助于预防老年痴呆。

2. **保护心血管**:油松子含有不饱和脂肪酸和微量元素,如梨,能够增强血管壁的韧性和弹性,提高毛细血管的通透性,有助于预防血压和血脂的升高,对心脏健康有益。

3. **抗辐射**:油松子具有增强身体抗辐射能力的功效,可以清除体内的自由基,促进免疫细胞再生,增强巨噬细胞的吞噬能力,对于经常接触辐射源或正在接受化疗的人群尤其有益。

4. **防病抗病**:油松子能提高人体免疫力,有助于预防疾病。


5. **祛风除湿**:油松具有祛风除湿的作用,适用于治疗风湿和跌打损伤,性温燥,适合治疗寒痹,对于关节疼痛有缓解作用。

6. **通络活血**:油松还有通络活血、消肿止痛的功效,对于跌打损伤引起的肿胀和疼痛有治疗作用。

7. **土壤涵养功能**:在林业生态系统中,油松人工林能够改善土壤物理性质,增强水源涵养功能,有助于生态平衡。



1. **壮阳补肾**:鹿茸具有温补肾阳的作用,能够增强男性的性功能和改善性功能障碍。人参则能补益肾气,增强体力,两者结合能够显著提高肾阳不足者的身体机能。

2. **强身健体**:鹿茸和人参均具有增强体质、强壮筋骨的功效,对于经常感到疲劳、体虚乏力的人群有很好的调理作用。

3. **改善睡眠**:鹿茸人参酒有助于改善睡眠质量,对于失眠多梦、睡眠质量不佳的人群有较好的缓解效果。

4. **提升食欲**:人参有促进食欲的作用,与鹿茸搭配后,可以增强食欲,改善消化系统的功能。


5. **促进新陈代谢**:鹿茸和人参能够促进身体的新陈代谢,增强免疫力,对于提高抵抗力、预防疾病有积极作用。


6. **调理慢性疾病**:对于慢性支气管炎、肺气肿、冠心病等慢性疾病患者,鹿茸人参酒有辅助调理作用。

7. **抗衰老**:鹿茸和人参都有抗衰老、延缓衰老的作用,对于延缓皮肤老化、保持年轻状态有一定的帮助。

8. **调节内分泌**:对于内分泌失调导致的月经不调、闭经等症状,鹿茸人参酒有调节作用。


– **孕妇**:鹿茸人参酒中的成分可能会对胎儿产生不良影响。
– **阴虚阳亢者**:这类人群饮用后可能会加重症状。
– **儿童和青少年**:他们的身体还在发育阶段,不适合饮用此类酒。
– **过敏体质者**:可能对鹿茸或人参成分过敏。




1. **消食化积**:白萝卜含有丰富的纤维素和果胶,能够促进肠胃蠕动,增强肠道功能,帮助消化,对于消化不良、食积胀满、反酸、恶心、呕吐等症状有缓解作用。

2. **解渴利尿**:白萝卜具有很好的解渴利尿功效,适合津伤引起的口渴、口干、小便短赤以及尿少引起的腹水、浮肿等情况。

3. **化痰止咳**:白萝卜对咳嗽、咳痰、咳血等症状有很好的缓解作用,其性凉,能够清热化痰。

4. **降低血压**:白萝卜中的某些成分可以帮助降低血压,适合高血压患者食用。

5. **减肥作用**:白萝卜的热量较低,每100克仅含6大卡,是根茎类蔬菜中热量最低的,且含有芥子油能促进脂肪的消耗和利用,有助于减肥。


6. **增强免疫力**:白萝卜含有丰富的维生素C、维生素A和多种微量元素,如锌等,这些营养素有助于增强人体的免疫力,提高抗病毒能力。


7. **促进新陈代谢**:白萝卜中的粗纤维和淀粉酶有助于新陈代谢,有助于体内垃圾毒素的排出,防止便秘。

8. **美容养颜**:白萝卜含有抗氧化物质,可以抑制体内黑色素的生成,有助于防止色斑、晒斑、黄褐斑的形成,增加皮肤弹性。

9. **治疗感冒**:白萝卜和葱白煮水喝对于风寒有一定的食疗作用,适合风寒感冒、咳嗽、痰多等情况。


10. **其他功效**:白萝卜还有助于治疗高血压、哮喘、甲状腺肿大、淋巴结核等疾病。



第三百六十章 你这登徒!
Most of the most famous alchemy normal universities in the field of repairing truth are from Danyang Gate.
Of course, the strength of Danyang Gate can’t compare with other clans, but because of its alchemy ability, most clans get on well with each other, and there are also some strong people in the field of repairing truth to join.
Dan medicine belongs to consumption and necessity, and it is important and indispensable in practice or battlefield.
Danyang Gate is just one of several major forces in Xuantian City.
Tang Yushen, the true brother of Danyang Men, is really qualified to say this.
Hear Danyang door three words Su Xiao coagulation careless move eyes flush a extraordinary splendour some expect to look at Sue ink but clever didn’t speak.
Su Mo hesitated.
Tang Yu suddenly flashed a decision in his eyes and said, "If I mean, if you can survive the siege of the three riders for a quarter of an hour without dying, Danyang Gate will help you!"
Liang Bo frowned and could not help but wake up.
In Liang Bo’s view, even if Su Mo can survive a quarter of an hour in the siege of the three riders, it is not enough for them to come forward at Danyang Gate.
Once you come forward, it means that the three riding enemies will not handle it well and even a bloody battle will break out.
"It’s too risky! Although this person has great potential, it is not worth it, "said Liang Bo’s novel.
Tang Yu shook his head and looked at Su Mo firmly, waiting for his answer.
"Why do you want to help me?" Sue ink looked at Tang Yu eyes calmly asked
Seeing Su Mo’s reaction, Liang Bo’s eyes flashed with appreciation.
Although he didn’t recommend Tang Yu to help Su Mo, his heart had to admit that this blue monk had something to offer.
It’s different to send charcoal in the snow. If it were someone else, I’m afraid I would have agreed to come early, but this person hasn’t lost his mind and won’t let go!
Not to mention other things, this calm mind alone is enough to overshadow other younger generations.
Tang Yu smiled and said, "There are two main reasons to help you. One of them is, of course, to value your potential out of selfishness."
Seeing that Tang Yu was so honest, Su Mo was less alert to him and nodded to signal her to continue.
Tang Yu went on to say, "Secondly, if you dare to refuse Bao Yunfeng’s recruitment in Xuantiancheng, you will slay him, which is very popular in my heart."
"There’s nothing to admire. I just don’t want to ride Kouwu." Su Mo said airily.
"The key is here."
Tang Yuju pointed to the gradually dispersed crowd around with a folding fan and said, "I’m sure that most monks in Xuantiancheng don’t want to ride Kouwu, but no one dares to provoke them and no one dares to resist."
"Every monk may initially want to be an indomitable spirit in once upon a time in america, but as time goes by, people’s edges and corners gradually wear away, and finally compromise in the face of cruel reality and become the kind of person that they once despised and hated."
"And you are different."
Tang Yu’s eyes finally fell on Su Mo’s clear and bright face. "I can still see the edges and corners in your body! There are not many people who can persist in being brave and diligent in the field of repairing truth, and you are one of them. "
Tang Yu said these words, but Ji Chengtian and others felt the most.
As Tang Yu said, in their hearts, they also hate the four riders and despise them.
But just when Bao Yunfeng came to attract them, they were relieved and violated their wish to be patient.
Su Mo said wryly that "most people like me don’t live long"

"Buddhism is not pay attention to family compassion? Although these gods are weak, Buddhists don’t like killing … "

Before he finished speaking, he saw a distortion in the list of gods, and several gods came out pale. The world realized that a word was inconsistent and actually killed several gods with a stick.
"Hum, you bastards looked down on me in those days. Now I’m old. I’ll just come out and add trouble to see if I don’t kill you." Looking at the gods, the robbers realized that they were cold in their hearts.
Looking at the dead body, Yu Duxiu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "Guanyin, this fellow is unreliable. Just give the golden hoop to this monkey directly. Now that this monkey was born, it is inconvenient for me to bind it. Now I need to make a plan and then wear the golden hoop."
Jade Duxiu’s mind moved here, but Sun Chi-hsin felt something, saying, "Where did the pig bodhi old zu shutter general wear the gold hoop directly?"
"How dare you monkey kill these robbers at will? Even if there are thousands of things that are not your business, it is natural for the government to dispose of them so wantonly …"
Jade Duxiu nagged that explosive ape body was crushed for 500 years, but it was a stuffy fire in her heart to vent. She threw the horse aside and shouted, "If I don’t kill them, they will kill you."
"Even if I was killed by them, I would never dare to commit a crime. I am a monk …"
At this moment, a black lotus in the eyes of the explosive ape flashes and flies away. "Since you say so, I can’t be a monk, but I can’t go to the West. I don’t have to bother me like this."
The ape suddenly went away, and Jade Duxiu smiled gently. The venerable Guanyin came and left a golden hoop, and then turned away to persuade that enlightenment.
This enlightenment is the most important person to learn from, so we can’t run away like this.
When it was dark, I saw the light flashing in the virtual space and turned to Yudu Duxiu. "Master must be hungry after sitting here for a long time. I’ll go to Shizun Huazhai."
"You don’t have to come back to learn that there is dry food in the package."
When Wu wrapped the parcel, he found a colorful clothes, and he was glad to wear it. The little hat also brought changes. Only a dazzling gold hoop took root in Wu’s head in an instant.
At the same time, the ape in the center of enlightenment fidgeted as if the gold hoop was a natural enemy, so it was necessary to take it off when it suddenly exploded. Unfortunately, the gold hoop had taken root as it could be taken off.
"Master, you hurt me." I realized that I kept rolling around with my head in my arms.
"This hoop is called the golden hoop. It was given to me by the Bodhisattva to collect the apes. It’s not good for you to kill the koo indiscriminately. It can help you to center the apes." Jade Duxiu read a spell on her face.
In the wild, the demon gods are always watching for enlightenment. After seeing the gold hoop, the wolf god is surprised. "Isn’t this gold hoop the wonderful refining gold hoop?" Where did Buddhism pay to wear it on the head of an ape? "
"Looking at the golden hoop, you can actually bind the ape. If you want the explosive ape to hold the ape, you can prove it. It is strange that my demon race is increasing its combat power. It is strange that the golden hoop didn’t seem so strong in those days." Cow God said sullenly.
"This gold hoop is remarkable, let alone an explosive ape. Even if we wear it, it may not be able to get benefits. When Jade Duxiu refined the elixir of immortality, it was returned to the furnace for sacrifice. If you want to break the gold hoop, you must destroy it. The more you can’t do it, the more prosperous it will be." The fox whale swallowed the vitality of the surrounding world and rolled up an energy beam.
"What a hooping spell! The rise and fall of Dan Dao are linked together. Now Dan Dao Daxing will never decline. This ape fellow will suffer in the future." Tiger God’s face is moving. "I just don’t know how many gold hoops were refined by Miao Xiu this motherfucker."
"Not more than three" Fox Shinto
After listening to the fox myth, the demon gods breathed a little sigh of relief. This gold hoop is a big killer. Can it be destroyed or destroyed? Wearing this gold hoop is simply a wish to die.
"The golden hoop forcibly stops the explosion of the anthropophagus, so there should be no problem." Wolf God is worried.
"It’s okay to explode apes. This fellow has been tampered with by the underworld. Apes are no longer ordinary apes and cannot be treated as ordinary apes." Fox Shinto said.
Da Lei Yin Temple Lingshan Pure Land At this time, the chanting sound of the pure land of Lingshan is full of the whole pure land, and Amitabha sitting in the pure land seems to be the only world in the heavens where the divine light shines all the time.
Looking at the virtual Amitabha, I opened my eyes. "It’s only forty-nine difficulties. It’s nothing. It’s that the nine big doors have repeatedly made moves, but my calculations are broken."
Jade Duxiu’s original design was forty-nine difficult, but with nine large-scale door-to-door disasters, it seems that there are not many disasters before, and some must be deleted.
"It’s really troublesome that this matter is out of control," Amitabha said with a bitter face.
Chapter 153 The Buddha is uneasy and narrow-minded.
"Miao Xiu Miao Xiu is really unreliable in refining magic weapons. How can I do it when you call the bodhi old zu in the middle?" Looking at the burning copper furnace, two long swords are constantly suspended and Shaqi soars into the sky, and there is a flash of anxiety in my eyes. "Where is Miao Xiu’s reincarnation? This fellow is reincarnated here. Every time he doesn’t wait for the bodhi old zu to go, he will immediately sit down and wait for me."
Who is the most depressing person to say that Jade Duxiu is reincarnated? I doubt The Hunger’s bodhi old zu.
Jade Duxiu, this fellow refining treasures, has left The Hunger bodhi old zu in the middle of refining, and he has gone to reincarnation himself. It’s strange that The Hunger bodhi old zu can feel better in his heart.
The Hunger was caught off guard every time in the second cycle, but The Hunger sneaked into Jinshan Temple. Unfortunately, he didn’t even catch any hair.
"Now this Yuan Tu A Nose has been shaped and can’t wait that long, bodhi old zu. I’ll go to the nether world to find out the details first."
The Hunger eyes move in situ left a statue of blood god instantaneous breakdown virtual toward the nether world.
A blood shadow flashes in the nether world. After each flash, several souls are instantly swallowed up by The Hunger and entered the blood river in The Hunger.
"Miao Xiu said that the blood is located in the deepest part of the nether world" The Hunger looked at the obscurity of the nether world and did not dare to delay the instantaneous towards the deepest part of the blood.
In the wild, the three quasi-qi flows, and the monster’s eyes sparkle with divine light.
"Viper, what did you call us here for today?" Xiong Jing bodhi old zu’s eyes flashed a terrifying divine light.
"Where’s the old guy?" Looking at the bodhi old zu Xiong Jing sitting there alone, bodhi old zu Viper wondered.
"I’m wondering, too. Thousands of years ago, the bodhi old zu suddenly disappeared. I’m wondering," Viper said.
"Forget it, the two of us should also be able to become the traditional one, that is, it is bad for their lives." The bodhi old zu Viper’s eyes flashed with a divine light.
"Come on, what can I do for you so mysteriously?" Xiong Jing bodhi old zu said impatiently.
Bodhisattva Viper lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Remember the man who broke the stone and stole the treasure?"
The Xiong Jing smell speech immediately raised his eyebrows and his hair was blown up. "Remember that nature is to remember the bodhi old zu, but I traced it to Terran Miaoxiu. That fellow is this person’s fierce power. We are no match for it, and finally we have to bear this cowardly."
"What are you going to say? Are you looking for revenge from Miaoxiu’s reincarnation? Wonderful show reincarnation has been disturbed by the ancestors. Even Amitabha can’t find it. What’s worse, let’s "Xiong Jing said sullenly."
"Hum, what the strong can’t do doesn’t mean that the seat can’t do it." The bodhi old zu Viper was full of pride.
"Do you have a clue? Miaoxiu’s nine reincarnations, nine reincarnations, and nine testimonies are really amazing. If Miaoxiu can be swallowed, it is bound to win Miaoxiu IX’s accumulated fate, which is very likely to impact Xiandao. "Xiong Jing’s bodhi old zu is moved." But you have something to do that all the ancestors can’t do. "
The Xiong Jing looked puzzled at the bodhi old zu viper with a pair of eyes.
Bodhisattva Viper smiled coldly. "Miao Xiu’s cocoon binds himself. I’ve been waiting for this day for too long, and I won’t tell you the truth. In those days, Miao Xiu relied on the palm of his hand to make me a wisp of innate immortality. He wanted to enslave me. Now, the reincarnation of Miao Xiu is the best time for me to regain my innate immortality, rather than breaking the palm of Miao Xiu’s hand. Gan Kun found Miao Xiu’s treasure. That’s Miao Xiu’s reincarnation accumulated immortal medicine, innate water and Na Wei’s treasure that can go against the sky."
After listening to the words of the viper, Xiong Jing’s eyes became brighter and brighter. "You can find Miaoxiu’s reincarnation."

It will be higher and higher to get the high-quality equipment from the bully-grade materials, that is, blue materials, which are common fragments or forged by drawings and materials.

If there are still a few blue equipment that will fall directly.
Then it is almost impossible for the king-class and epic-class post-equipment to fall directly by brushing monsters, but it can be synthesized or made by collecting equipment material fragments
Hang Yu knows that the earthworm wave gun
This is a very strong piece of equipment.
Therefore, I care more about this drawing than pet eggs and Hangyu.
The drawings are made of dark blue, and the equipment will definitely not be lower than dark blue. There is a great possibility that it is a light blue weapon, and Hangyu is sure to get the phase materials.
The lizard is a spirit beast with excellent attack and defense.
As soon as the dark blue beast eggs hatch, they are directly bronze lords and even silver lords. It sounds very good, but the hatching is too high.
Not only need ten thousand reiki!
In addition, you need a level 1 blue spirit beast contract!
These two basic conditions are too high for Hangyu, but Hangyu has two great potentials: dog and queen ant, and the demand for new ones is not so great.
The other seven bright green things from the treasure chest are also excellent things, including skill stones, extreme equipment, special things and secret medicines.
There are several things.
Hang Yu likes it very much.
They are three pieces respectively.
【 Summon spell Dragon Guard 】 The green quality can summon the current soul breath of the silver Lord monster Dragon Guard /1.
【 Dragon Essence Mystery Medicine 】 The green quality permanently increases the spirit point!
[Positioning stone] One positioning stone can be deployed for the green grade of Grade 1 special object.
I didn’t wait long.
The others arrived.
Zhang Xiaoqiang came over with a depressed face. "Today, the whole day is in vain!"
Dead this time
He lost 15 points of aura
Two pieces of equipment and five pieces of objects broke out.
Everyone helped him get these things back, but there was nothing he could do to lose his aura.
Zhang Xiaoqiang is okay.
He happens to have fifteen hundred aura.
Although the loss was great, it was lucky not to be relegated.
Qin Mu is different. He came to level 7, and his death directly fell back to level 6. He was also a leader in the camp in terms of level, but he lost a lot because of this death.

Goofy and white frigga said yes, dark elf warships can easily penetrate Asgard’s defense network-dare to invade Asgard head-on without sleeping, leaving or dying in Odin, with Malekis alone.

Chapter 36 Return to Asgard
After listening to frigga’s narrative, everyone’s expression is very dignified.
Although not everyone understood the story of the dark elves and Malekis, everyone understood one thing-the horse of the Nine Realms is about to face a great war.
"Mother, if we call the best fighters in Asgard now, do we have a chance to defeat the dark elves and Malkis?" Thor asked.
"The odds are slim …" frigga said pessimistically. "At the beginning, your grandfather Bohr not only called the best fighter in Asgard, but also United the whole nine worlds to defeat the dark elves …"
"What’s more, your father’s long sleep was interrupted by an accident. He is in a bad state now. If he forces his troops to go out, he may fail …"
Two years ago (when Raytheon 1 was filmed), Odin should have entered Odin Sleep according to the life cycle of Asgard people. Unfortunately, Loki colluded with the ice giant to invade Asgard and forcibly interrupted Odin Sleep.
Now Odin is close to 5 years old and has reached the life limit of Asgard people. Every sleep of Odin is actually a renewal of life and a repair of his ability.
Loki interrupted Odin’s sleep, and Odin’s strength and life span have fallen sharply. Now that he has reached a spent force, it is unlikely that he will come out against Malkis again.
Thor also Bai Odin situation immediately volunteered "don’t need father uses personal expedition I can Asgard commander in chief! Mother asked me to lead the Asgard warriors to kill them once and for all! "
Frigga nai shook his head and rejected Thor’s proposal.
"Children’s dark elves are powerful because of technology. They have more advanced technology … It’s different to try rashly before knowing their strength."
Thor looked depressed. "What do you think we should do?"
Frigga glanced at Jane Foster and whispered, "At present, the safest way is to try to separate Tai Zi from Jane’s body and let your father seal it again. If we can do this before the dark elves get Tai Zi, then the dark elves will lose their direction and get it."
Hearing this, Goofy interjected, "So frigga, you mean you have returned to Asgard with Jane?"
"Yes," frigga said, "With all due respect, Asgard’s scientific and technological level is ahead of the earth, and there is greater hope for its successful separation."
"I don’t deny this." Goofy nodded. The current level of science and technology on the earth really can’t separate too many grains.
At this time, frigga added, "In addition, since Taichi is awakened, the dark elves may come to Taichi at any time. They are a cruel and aggressive race, and their arrival will be accompanied by killing …"
"The earth’s current defense against the dark elves will be a catastrophe for the whole mankind once the dark elves reach the earth …"
"Asgard’s defense system is more perfect, and we can also prepare for the dark elves before. I think we should bear the attack of the dark elves."
Frigga’s kindness moved Gao Fei, which is a great favor to the earth.
Goofy gently took frigga’s hand and sincerely said, "Thank you."
But in this way, the plot pushes forward the original plot of Thor 2. Jane Foster came to Asgard and the dark elves invaded them. Their technology completely escaped Asgard’s monitoring system and even escaped Heimdahl’s eyes and entered Asgard unnoticed …
Asgard was unfortunately killed when he was invaded by frigga.
Goofy really doesn’t want her to sacrifice less, but she should try to save her.
"frigga" Goofy said, "I think the dark elves will definitely invade Asgard. You must be careful during this period. They may send spies into Asgard first and then launch a general attack from inside …"
"I’m white" frigga nodded. "Don’t worry too much about me. There are many guards guarding me in Asgard."
Next to Thor, he smiled and said, "Don’t worry, I will protect frigga."
Goofy is still worried that the invasion of the dark elves is too fierce.
"Don’t take it lightly, don’t face these vicious guys alone," Goofy repeatedly charged.
Frigga couldn’t help smiling tenderly when he saw Goofy’s heart.
"Knowing that a good boy feels that you are more nagging than an old woman like me?"
Goofy shrugged. "Maybe it’s a police occupational disease."
Thor patted Goofy on the shoulder. "Don’t worry, Goofy, I will protect frigga. No one can hurt my mother under my nose …"
"Well, we have to hurry back to Asgard. I’ll go back and ask my father. Maybe his horse can separate the simplified particles."
"Good luck."
Goofy told Ravencraft prison to bring Peter to the ice giant and then personally send them out.
Heimdahl summoned Rainbow Bridge to bring them back to Asgard.
Looking up at them far away, Gao Fei also made an abacus in his heart.
With the convergence of celestial bodies, it is time for the earth to prepare for war. At that time, not only the dark elves, the number one worry, but also alien creatures from other worlds are a potential threat
"Well … from where?"
Goofy pondered it and sent a message to Skye.
"Can Skye help me spread a rumor on the Internet?"
Skye’s horse replied with a shocked face (ω д ω)!
Followed by a sentence, "Officer Goofy, what do you want?"
Goofy typed, "Actually, it’s not a rumor … just a message, you can tell everyone that an alien army horse is coming, and now it has passed Jupiter, and it will take about a week to reach the earth, so let everyone prepare for it."
"What? ? ?” Skyline made three question marks: "Officer Goofy, are you serious?"