大蓟(学名:Cirsium megacephalum)是一种多年生草本植物,属于菊科蓟属。以下是大蓟的图片以及其作用解析:

### 大蓟图片

![大蓟图片](https://www.example.com/image_of_dajiz.jpg) (请注意,这里的图片链接是虚构的,仅为示意)

大蓟(学名:Cirsium megacephalum)是一种多年生草本植物,属于菊科蓟属。以下是大蓟的图片以及其作用解析:

### 大蓟作用解析

1. **药用价值**:

大蓟(学名:Cirsium megacephalum)是一种多年生草本植物,属于菊科蓟属。以下是大蓟的图片以及其作用解析:

– **清热解毒**:大蓟性凉,具有清热解毒的功效,适用于治疗感冒发热、咽喉肿痛、痈疮肿毒等。

大蓟(学名:Cirsium megacephalum)是一种多年生草本植物,属于菊科蓟属。以下是大蓟的图片以及其作用解析:

– **凉血止血**:大蓟还有凉血止血的作用,适用于治疗血热所致的吐血、衄血、尿血、便血等。
– **消肿止痛**:对于跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛等,大蓟也有一定的缓解作用。

2. **食用价值**:
– 大蓟的嫩叶和花蕾可以食用,具有清热解毒、利尿消肿等功效。
– 在一些地区,大蓟被用来做汤或凉拌菜,营养丰富。

3. **生态价值**:
– 大蓟具有较强的生命力,能够适应多种环境,有助于改善土壤结构。
– 作为一种野菜,大蓟还能提供一定的生态效益。

4. **观赏价值**:
– 大蓟的花朵色彩鲜艳,具有较高的观赏价值,可用来美化环境。



1. **抗击癌症**:九死还魂草中含有多种具有抗癌作用的成分,对于肝癌、肺癌、鼻癌等多种常见癌症有着不错的疗效,目前已被医学家广泛应用于临床治疗。

2. **疏血通经**:对于女性常见的痛经、经期不调等疾病,九死还魂草具有很好的调经作用。同时,它对于跌打损伤引起的局部红肿也有消肿止痛的效果。

3. **止血功能**:九死还魂草对泌尿系统疾病如尿血、便血、吐血等症状有很好的止血效果,对于体内出血有减缓和治疗作用。

4. **抗菌消炎**:研究表明,九死还魂草中的成分对金黄色葡萄球菌等细菌有抑制和杀灭作用,因此在医学上的应用日益广泛。

5. **解痉作用**:九死还魂草对肠胃痉挛有很好的缓解和治疗作用,同时对胃部也有调养功效。

6. **家庭观赏**:九死还魂草的叶片形状独特,常绿,且具有极强的抗旱能力,是家庭盆栽的佳选,其枝叶在干旱时会卷缩,水份充足时才会展开,具有一定的观赏价值。


7. **药用价值**:九死还魂草全草含多种有益成分,具有破血、止血、解痉止痛、消炎等多种功效,可用于治疗多种疾病。

8. **美容作用**:九死还魂草被用作美容药,其干粉与鸡蛋清调和敷于面部,可以使面部光洁秀丽。



### 发动机性能

1. **MIVEC发动机技术**:这是三菱独创的双MIVEC技术,能够同时控制进、排气门的气门正时与气门升程。这种技术能根据发动机的不同负荷,精准控制进气与排气时间,提升动力及燃油经济性。

2. **可变进气歧管系统**:如帕杰罗(Pajero)所采用的系统,能够在不同转向范围内提供充沛扭矩,适应各种路面。

3. **V6发动机**:如帕杰罗的3.0升24气门V6 SOHC发动机,运转高效、清洁,提供稳定的动力输出。

### 驾驶性能

1. **操控性**:三菱车型通常具有良好的操控性,部分车型如蓝瑟翼神(Lancer Evolution)在操控性能上尤其突出。

2. **悬挂系统**:如帕杰罗,其悬挂系统具有强大的行动力和牵引力,提高车辆在恶劣路况下的附着性。

3. **四轮驱动系统**:三菱的帕杰罗、Evo等车型均配备了先进的四轮驱动系统,如超选四轮驱动(SS4-II),提供优异的越野性能。

### 安全性能


1. **四维安全系统**:部分车型如蓝瑟翼神采用了独创的四维安全系统,提高了汽车安全防护能力。

2. **碰撞测试成绩**:在碰撞测试中,如蓝瑟翼神等车型均取得了不错的成绩。

### 环保性能

1. **排放标准**:部分车型如格蓝迪(GRANDIS)采用了满足最新欧洲排放IV标准的MIVEC发动机。

2. **燃油经济性**:三菱发动机设计注重燃油经济性,减少排放。



1. **通肠导便、防治痔疮**:菠菜中含有大量的植物粗纤维,这种纤维能够促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,对于缓解便秘、痔疮、慢性胰腺炎、肛裂等都有一定的辅助治疗作用。

2. **促进生长发育、增强抗病能力**:菠菜中富含的胡萝卜素在人体内可以转化为维生素A,对维持正常的视力和上皮细胞的健康有重要作用,同时还能增强预防传染病的能力,对儿童的生长发育尤为有益。

3. **保障营养、增进健康**:菠菜含有丰富的胡萝卜素、维生素C、钙、磷以及一定量的铁、维生素E等,这些成分都是人体所需的营养素,有助于提供全面的营养,特别是菠菜中的铁质对缺铁性贫血有较好的辅助治疗作用。

4. **促进人体新陈代谢**:菠菜中的微量元素能促进人体新陈代谢,增进身体健康。适量食用菠菜,还可以降低中风的危险。

5. **清洁皮肤、抗衰老**:菠菜提取物能促进细胞增殖,既抗衰老又能增强青春活力。用菠菜捣烂取汁洗脸,可清洁皮肤毛孔,减少皱纹及色素斑,保持皮肤光洁。


6. **丰富的蛋白质和营养素**:鸡蛋含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和矿物质,特别是蛋白质为优质蛋白,对肝脏组织损伤有修复作用。鸡蛋中的DHA和卵磷脂、卵黄素对神经系统和身体发育有利,能健脑益智,改善记忆力。


7. **润肠通便**:菠菜和鸡蛋都有助于润肠通便,增加粪便含水量,有利于排便,对缓解便秘有一定的帮助。

8. **美容养颜**:鸡蛋中的美容成分如胡萝卜素、维生素C等,可以对抗自由基,抗衰老。同时,维生素C可以作用于细胞黑色素,美白肌肤;维生素A和维生素E等可以增强皮肤的弹性。




1. **补肾壮阳**:五黑粉中的黑豆、黑米、黑芝麻等成分含有丰富的天然黑色素,具有补肾壮阳的作用,尤其适合肾虚的人群。

2. **益肾填精**:五黑粉能够滋阴补肾,填精益髓,对于改善肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状有显著效果。

3. **补中益气**:五黑粉能够补中益气,增强人体免疫力,对于体质虚弱、易感冒的人群有很好的调养作用。

4. **降低血压和血脂**:五黑粉中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低血压和血脂,对心血管疾病有一定的预防作用。


5. **改善血糖**:五黑粉能够改善胰岛素分泌水平,对于控制血糖有一定的帮助,适合高血糖患者食用。

6. **润肠通便**:五黑粉中的黑豆、黑米等成分可以促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘。

7. **乌发养发**:五黑粉具有乌发、生发的功效,对于白发、脱发有一定的改善作用。

8. **抗氧化,延缓衰老**:五黑粉中的花青素和天然抗氧化物质,有助于清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

9. **增强免疫力**:五黑粉富含维生素和微量元素,能够提高人体免疫力,增强抵抗力。


10. **改善睡眠**:五黑粉中的某些成分有助于改善睡眠质量。



1. **促进消化**:生姜中含有一种名为姜黄素的活性物质,具有抗炎和抗氧化特性,有助于促进胃肠道的健康,减少消化不良和胃肠道问题的发生。


2. **缓解呕吐和恶心**:生姜中的姜辣素可以刺激胃肠道神经,减轻胃部不适感,因此生姜泡水常被用作天然的止吐剂,适用于孕妇晨吐、晕船等引起的恶心。

3. **抗炎和抗菌**:生姜中的姜黄素和姜酚等活性成分具有抗炎和抗菌效果,可以增强免疫系统,减少感染的风险。

4. **促进血液循环**:生姜中的姜辣素具有温热的特性,可以扩张血管,促进血液循环,有助于预防心血管疾病。

5. **减肥瘦身**:生姜泡水被认为可以促进体内毒素排出,加速脂肪燃烧,有助于减肥瘦身。特别是将生姜与柠檬搭配泡水,效果更佳。

6. **缓解感冒症状**:生姜具有解表散寒、温中止呕、止咳解毒的功效,适合治疗风寒感冒、恶心呕吐等症状。

7. **改善脾胃功能**:生姜有发汗、止呕等作用,可以改善脾胃功能,增进食欲,辅助治疗便秘。

8. **提高免疫力**:生姜泡水可以提高人体免疫力,对细菌和病毒有抵抗功效。


9. **其他作用**:生姜泡水还可用于治疗口腔溃疡、感冒头痛、咽喉肿痛、牙周炎、偏头痛、神经衰弱、脚气等症状,甚至有醒酒的作用。



In fact, in a sense, the dog clan doesn’t want the Terran to die too much here.
Even if they finish the trial, they just take away the five elements of the dog’s blood. The five elements of the dog are not bad. This blood may stimulate these monks to transform their own people in the future.
They died here, but it’s worse than the disgusting Terran blood staining the wild animal blood cave.
But for dogs, there is no way to prevent the defilement of all ethnic groups, and a lot of dog blood can dilute this defilement
The ceremony in front of the other temple hasn’t been held yet. Yang Xiu and the three waited silently.
Twelve pillars have been erected in front of the temple.
Among them, two young Terran monks, Ye Zhiqiu, three Mokeshula, six Mudaya fairies and a similar mouse, who should be the descendants of the so-called great spirit, were also caught and locked here.
These guys are hanging here one after another. I don’t know what to do.
When Fu Xialiang was observing, suddenly he looked into the distance and someone entered his night range.
From afar, Fu Xia is cool and one leng is the big bear, the descendant of the great spirit.
He came straight for himself with a purpose.
Fu Xialiang asked, "Daoyou invited me if you don’t know anything?"
Can the descendants of the other party see through their own night assimilation and can’t communicate?
The other party is also a God-informed "Terran!
I can feel your strength.
I have a thing for you.
Alana came after us several times. We lost a lot. We can’t go on like this. We have to fight back and kill her! "
God knows that Fu Xialiang immediately knows that the so-called alana is the fourth-order fear of stiff dogs.
"What’s good for me?"
Fu Xia Liang echo
"She killed all of us is you.
No, you can hide from everything in the dark. alana is a fourth-order old dog. You can’t hide from her! "

"I see you don’t seem so worried about him. Isn’t he your friend?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Because I know it’s nothing to worry about. No, I said you know it’s not that easy to deal with people like him."
Liu Yu hates "adding the three of us".
A burst of intoxicating flowers floated in front of this land, and a luxurious carriage appeared, with flowers on the floor and several beautiful handmaids beside it.
A beautiful woman came from the carriage, wearing a pure black soft silk gun and dragging flowers on the ground.
Her dark hair hung freely over her shoulders, but her face was pale, and her dark eyes were shiny.
There is no other decoration or color.
She was so quietly among the flowers, and the colorful flowers seemed to have suddenly lost their colors.
This kind of beauty is no longer alive, and it has become extraordinary and incredible.
Liu Yu hate three people quietly back in the corner, respectfully.
Lu Xiaofeng saw this woman and said, "I just know that love is not a woman, but perhaps a princess."
The beautiful woman said, "I am indeed a princess, but I love my cousin Guan Feiyan instead of me."
Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh, I don’t know who is more beautiful, the princess or your cousin."
The princess said, "You really shouldn’t say such stupid things to a man, but who told you that you are the only Lu Xiaofeng? I’m still willing to forgive you." I have to say that the princess is that the princess speaks with more dignity and confidence than ordinary women.
Lu Xiaofeng said, "Lu Xiaofeng will become a dead phoenix today. Do you want me to save the flowers?"
The princess said, "Actually, we’re here to ask you to help us with another thing, knowing that you can’t be easily moved by others and you want to be trapped by a lonely crane."
Lu Xiaofeng said, "We can really deal with a lone crane, but it seems that you are in more trouble now."
The princess said, "Now things have changed again. Dugu Yihe, Huo Xiu and Yan Tieshan are now United, and even if all of us add them, they can’t save the house."
Lu Xiaofeng wry smile way "if it is these three people, we also have to die".
Huo Xiu and Du Gu Yi Crane are together. No one in this world can save lives from these two people alone. What’s worse, there is an unfathomable Yan Tieshan.
The star picker said, "I’ll leave things to you in Lu Xiaofeng." Then the star picker disappeared in the evening breeze. His flying skills have been practiced to the point where he wants to do whatever he wants. If he wants to die, no one can stop him from throwing trouble to Lu Xiaofeng, so it is natural for him to pick the star.
It’s not surprising that Si Zhaoxing suddenly left Lu Xiaofeng. It’s not surprising that this man never talks like a fart and does things upside down. He left Lu Xiaofeng after throwing the trouble to Lu Xiaofeng.
Lu Xiaofeng said, "How can the three of them get together? There are not many things that can bring them together."
The princess said, "I don’t know what happened, but it is reasonable to say that these three people should not get together in general, and of course they also have special ties."
Lu Xiaofeng said, "Let’s stop here. I’ll save him. I don’t want to know anything about you."
Liu Yu hates three people blocking Lu Xiaofeng. "Friends Lu hope you can stay and listen to our situation. Without our help, it is impossible to save the building."
Lu Xiaofeng sighed, "Even if you are added, how can it help?" He suddenly had a sword in his hand. This sword was just the sword that Li Zhichang took from Xiao Qiuyu. The sword was just thrown to the ground by Li Zhichang, but Xiao Qiuyu was afraid to pick it up.
Lu Xiaofeng people who have spoken have flown out of others and the sword has actually become no different from Li Zhichang’s previous flying fairy, such as horse training, like flying rainbow sword light sprinkled on the three people. The sword light is brilliant and rapid, and there is no change at all. He has dissolved his physical strength into this sword, and there is no change, and sometimes it is the best change
This is Li Zhichang’s flying fairy just now. He took a look at Li Zhichang’s swordsmanship and learned this fake "flying fairy"
No one could have thought that Lu Xiaofeng had such talent. There was a big hole in the right shoulder of the three-person suit, and Lu Xiaofeng had disappeared. They couldn’t even stop Lu Xiaofeng’s sword.
Chapter 17 Real flying fairy
Sitting and watching the clouds move, I am the only one who can be called the world of mortals.
Li Zhichang, a brothel, sat drinking in a white suit like snow and clouds, and the impartial judge respectfully stood by him.
Li Zhichang said, "You can sit and drink."
Two people "little people dare not"
Li Zhichang looked at the two men who were very restrained in front of him, and they were too lazy to persuade the heady messenger and the impartial judge to experience the feeling of death just now. Instead of seeing through life and death, they cherished their lives even more.
There’s another Tsing Yi man in the building. It’s Huo Tianqing.
Huo Tianqing said, "I heard you went to Lu Xiaofeng."
Li Zhichang said, "I figured out the flying fairy from the sky and went to find him to try the sword."
Huo Tianqing said, "You should dress up as Ye Gucheng when you ask him to try the sword."
Li Zhichang said, "Because of this, Lu Xiaofeng can be vigilant, otherwise I am afraid that I will not stop my sword and kill him."
Huo Tianqing said, "I know that your martial arts are incredibly high, but I still don’t believe that you can figure out this swordsmanship by yourself."
Li Zhichang said, "Because I have never seen the flying fairy with my own eyes, but I deeply understand the principle of this trick."
Huo Tianqing said, "Then your sword is better than Ye Gucheng’s."
Li Zhichang said, "In this world, Ye Gucheng is the real flying fairy."
Li Zhichang didn’t answer directly, but this answer is enough.
Huo Tianqing didn’t go into this topic, but talked about another thing. He said, "Although we controlled the total altar of the brothel, we controlled 55 of the 100 punishment altars of the brothel. It’s a pity that Huo Xiu was able to appease the other 53 punishment altars in a short time after he escaped from your hand for many years."
Li Zhichang smiled and said, "But now you are the landlord in Tsing Yi."
Huo Tianqing said, "It wouldn’t be if it weren’t for you." He knew very well that without Li Zhichang’s help, he would be snatched back by Huo Xiu at any time.
At the same time, for Li Zhichang, he has been as scared as a god that day, Li Zhichang went to Huoxiu to live in the mystery building, and then in less than half an hour, he saw Huoxiu escape hastily. In less than half an hour, a hundred ingenious machines didn’t stop Li Zhichang. When he entered the mystery building, he found that all the machines inside were out of order. Li Zhichang often sat on the throne in Huoxiu, and Li Zhichang drove Huoxiu away, and he would become the owner of Tsing Yi on his own. How did you know that Li Zhichang had given him the position of the landlord?
Li Zhichang said, "It’s just an exchange." Now Huo Tianqing and Li Zhichang each take what they need. The landlord of Tsing Yi and Huo Xiu are divided into north and south Li Zhichang. Instead, Li Zhichang lives in seclusion behind the scenes. He has half the power of the brothel to help him understand the nature of the Jianghu more thoroughly. Although he is martial arts, the world’s rivers and lakes are complicated. Without his own power, he is easily trapped and does not know that he will bring unnecessary trouble to himself.

On the cliff, the Sichuan army sent heavy artillery from the other side to shell the enemy positions in the mountain, and then the large troops rushed to attack the enemy and retreated again and again

On the frontal battlefield, Wang Tianhui commanded the 192nd Brigade, which was constantly pulled by the enemy, grasped the attack gear and pushed forward like a bamboo.
At the same time
Lin chengdong was buried on the island for two years, and how long did it take them to rebel in the rear with a large number of workers who had been enslaved here for a long time.
The enemy troops fled from inside and outside, and the huge island was also wrapped in war.
A trench
Completely exhausted, Qin Yu didn’t go forward with the big troops, but lit a cigarette and took a deep breath on the land.
Lin Chengdong next to him licked his chapped lips after a long silence and said, "Give me one."
Qin Yu handed him the cigarette case.
Lin Chengdong lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. Suddenly, he pointed to a large work shed in the distance and said, "I lived there for those four years …"
Qin Yu was silent
Lin Chengdong said in a trembling voice, "I told myself that I had to go home no matter what … because my wife and children were still waiting for me … for four years, I tried to escape for four years … and finally I came home … only to find that my wife remarried and the children were gone …"
Qin Yuwen looked at him.
"From that moment on, I fucking wanted to get back at this place!" Lin Chengdong gritted his teeth and said, "I hate every soldier on the island here … if it weren’t for them … maybe everything will be the same after I go back."
Qin Yu was silent
"Why can’t I be happy when Xiaoyu Salt Island is called?" Lin Chengdong looked at his best friend trembling and cried, and asked in some confusion, "I don’t know what to do in the second half of my life."
Qin Yu listened to his words, his eyes were inexplicably red, and suddenly he put his arm around his neck. "… why didn’t you look forward? Come with me to do a good job in Chuanfu! !”
Lin Chengdong had a nervous breakdown and cried like a child with his hands over his cheeks. "… I think I have a baby, and I really miss him."
Qin Yu looked at the island and the bonfire everywhere, and also remembered many people and many things and slowly left tears.
After three hours, most of the garrison on the island was cleared, and the top military chief was captured alive.
"Surrender We surrendered …!" The highest military chief raised his hand and shouted
"Before I played, I shouted and surrendered. You are a prisoner of war; If you don’t surrender, I will call in and slaughter all the officers at your battalion level! " Qi Lin gritted his teeth and shouted, "His mother shot me and dumped the body in the sea war zone and told the Sichuan Army in the fifth district that the salt island war was fucking over! !”
Chapter 217 After the war
As soon as Yandao was captured, the Navy of Area 5 retreated on a large scale and completely gave up the idea of fighting to the death in the fleet of Area 7 on the sea.
The fleet of the Seventh District pursued all the way to the vicinity of the enemy’s No.1 military port before choosing to take a break. This time, Fu Zhenguo did not radically propose to continue to pursue the Navy of the Fifth District.
The damage to the fleet in Area 7 in this World War I is not small, and it is not cheap to continue to pursue it, because the enemy’s No.2 military port is in the hinterland of Area 5, and their navy will go back and really put it together. It is not known who will die.
On the army side, the troops in the enemy’s southern theater in Bidu area also retreated after losing the naval battle in Area 5.
The troops of Fuchuan prefecture marched triumphantly all the way to the vicinity of Niutou Mountain and defeated the enemy with nearly 30,000 people. The cover troops wiped out more than 6,000 people and captured more than 6,000 people, and finally ended the battle with complete victory.
After the war.
Lin did not withdraw, but Pu’s main force went out of Niutoushan along the supply line established in the original fifth district and pushed all the way to the south, occupying a large number of military vantage points.
This city is the main city in the fifth district, and the city of Iraq is guarding the east side of the fifth district one by one. Outside the city of Mengjia, it is a very strong military threat to the fifth district, which means that we want to fuck you at any time
One day later
The military intelligence department of the region also detected that the EU-1 fleet departed from Xiadao and returned to the original road halfway, giving up the idea of supporting Region 5.
Retreat is a kind of naiju, because the navy and army in the fifth district have been completely defeated, even if the fleet in the first district of the European Union comes, there is a way to reverse the war situation. By then, the navy in the seventh district needs to stop the fleet in the European Union near Hekou Port, and the army in Napulinchuan can put the main battlefield on the other side. By then, it will be difficult for the fifth district to touch the salt island, but its hinterland may also become a battlefield. This loss is too great for the military in the fifth district.
There are many hidden factors in withdrawing troops, such as the anti-war voice in the fifth district, and the great army department has been under the pressure of former public opinion. In addition, it is impossible for the first district of the European Union to reinforce them in vain. Once they fight, the fifth district will have to cede a lot of military interests … It is also a more rational choice to temporarily admit the failure of the Salt Island War and readjust its military strategy.
Sure enough, after the withdrawal of the navy in the first area of the European Union, Linpu did not continue to press forward, because in this war, Zhongpu lost a lot, and they also needed adjustment and cultivation.
After the war, both generals, officers and grass-roots soldiers were relieved. It was lucky and sad to live here. Many comrades-in-arms and friends died in the battle, and the old triangle was filled with jubilation and mourning.
On the third day after the battle.
The foreign affairs department of the fifth district strongly condemned the Sichuan military government for forcibly occupying the salt island and waging war, saying that the warlords of Qin were bandits …

Although the mirror pointed out the weakness of the silk bottle, I am afraid Lin Yang has no chance to benefit because of the time.

Just as he looked at the demon mirror to inquire about the situation, the silk bottle floated in the sky with a jerk and a hair flick, and it swooped toward Linyang at an extremely fast speed.
Don’t say that this silk bottle must have been boastful when he was still a human being. It’s not hard to see that he shook his head and brushed his hair when he attacked …
With a shrill scream, the silk bottle rushed to Lin Yang in an instant under the cover of a blood fog and blood flowers. His mouth with yellow teeth and a foul smell was about to bite Lin Yang’s cheek.
"Jie Jie is the most active, chewy and delicious facial skin except for the heart. Today, I’m going to eat a big meal and then swallow the target after eating you." In his eyes, Lin Yang smiled smugly and had become his ration. He never thought that Lin Yang was not an ordinary person, but a soul repair. When the foul mouth of the silk bottle was about to bite, Lin Yang’s left hand lifted and shouted, "The big dipper kills the evil seven stars."
A touch of bright starlight accompanied by a surge of fierce murderous look suddenly appeared condensed into a handle made up of seven copper coins, and the Big Dipper sword appeared in Lin Yang’s left hand.
The tip of the sword happened to point to the eyebrows of Silk Bottle.
Just like the essence, the sharp murderous look stung the silk bottle with a splitting headache, which also made him horrified. Quickly, he flew backwards and pulled away from Lin Yang.
"Money sword? Are you an exorcist? " Silk bottle stare big eyes glared at Lin Yang eyeball inside instantaneous was full of angry bloodshot look deep red a very scary.
Although this silk vase is the product of witchcraft in Southeast Asia, it has been in China for more than 20 years with Gu Yi ‘an. He not only speaks poor Chinese, but also knows things with China characteristics, such as money sword and Taoist priest.
Lin Yang didn’t talk nonsense with him. His left hand held the Big Dipper sword and his right hand temporarily put the demon mirror back in Yushan, and took out three or five LeiFu.
The effect of dealing with evil things is much higher than that of other symbols, which is why Tianshi Road in Longhu Mountain strives to develop Leifu instead of other symbols.
From the moment of its birth, the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Tianshi Road has listed its own purpose. Although it has been inherited for thousands of years, today’s Tianshi Road has lost its glory as early as the abyss for various reasons. Even the real practitioners may not be able to leave a few, but many of their theories, including some symbols, have flowed out through various channels and been absorbed by other sects. For example, Lin Yang now makes the five symbols come from the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Tianshi Road, and Lin Yang immediately flies to meet the silk bottle with a wave of his right hand.
A cluster of deep blue flames appeared on the yellowed paper, which ignited the three symbols and released the thunder force contained in them.
In the scratching stream, three full bowls are thick and ferocious, and the mighty thunder dragon appears in the bloody night.
LeiFu Dan not the kui is a special to restrain evil. As soon as three LeiJiao dragons appeared, they evaporated the blood flowers flying around into fog and intertwined them with blood fog. At first glance, these three LeiJiao dragons seemed to be swimming in a sea of blood, and they couldn’t say how powerful and domineering they were. As soon as they appeared, they jumped at the silk bottle and bared their teeth, threatening to tear it to pieces. "Tianshi Daowu LeiFu? You this little consumption turned out to be a heavenly teacher. "
I didn’t expect this silk bottle to know quite a lot, even knowing Tianshi Road and Five Leifu.
"I didn’t expect that there was a monk lurking around the target, but you are still a little too young. Although you know how to control the five Leifu, you can’t resist me." Silk bottle soon calmed down from surprise. He smiled with a jaw-dropping smile and shuttled freely in the three Leilong joint offensives.
Silk bottles are even faster than thunder. No wonder he dares to say that Lin Yang can’t stand it. When he saw this, Lin Yang lit two more five-thunder symbols.
Driving five thunder dragons at the same time is his limit now, but the attack network composed of five thunder dragons still can’t get stuck.
But Lin Yang can’t stand the silk bottle, and the silk bottle can’t stand him either. After getting rid of the thunder dragon, Silk bottle tried to attack Lin Yang several times, which ate this hateful and troubled Taoist priest. Unfortunately, they were all beaten back by Lin Yang’s big dipper sword, wind operator, inflammation operator and other instruments.
Silk bottle and Lin Yang are in a stalemate, and when no one can resist anyone, no one can lose anyone, they pass by quickly in this process …
For Lin Yang, the stalemate is a good thing. Although he can’t clean up the silk bottle, he will win if he drags it until dawn, because silk bottle is afraid of the sun. If silk bottle doesn’t return to his hiding place before dawn and is illuminated by the sun, he will rot in a blink of an eye and gradually turn into a pool of blood. Not only will the head and body disappear completely, but even the soul will fly away, and there will be no chance of reincarnation. Silk bottle is clearly aware of his weaknesses.
After a stalemate with Lin Yang, he decided to change his strategy.
"I hate small expenses and I will fight with you."
In the angry roar, the silk bottle once again penetrated the network of five thunder dragons and rushed to Linyang, posing as a posture to storm.
Lin Yang didn’t dare to neglect his left hand holding an inflammatory explosive operator, and his right hand clenched the Big Dipper sword to prepare for a fierce battle, but he didn’t think that it was just before he was about to rush to the front, when the silk bottle suddenly rose to a high height and quickly jumped up. "Jie Jie, do you have a small consumption?" I’m not in the mood to play with you anymore. "
A loud silk bottle smashed the glass window on the second floor of the clinic and tried to rush to the operating room from the second floor.
This guy turned out to be a feint Lin Yang, but the real goal was that people in Zeng’s clinic were "bad" Lin Yang, and he realized that he had turned around and ran towards the operating room when his face changed.
Although he runs fast, he doesn’t fly as fast as Silk Bottle. Just when he rushed into the clinic, Silk Bottle had already arrived in the operating room.
I saw a head with long hair and no body suddenly flying in front of me, grinning at myself. Dr. Zeng felt that the white body in his brain was so cold that he couldn’t help shivering and exclaimed, "This … what is this? How can a head fly? Ghost … Ghost! "
Gao was also startled by the appearance of silk bottle.
But after all, he died once, so he calmed down and quickly pulled out his body. When he pulled the trigger, a few shots were fired at the silk bottle.
"You want to hurt me with a pistol?" Silk bottle does not flash, does not avoid opening its mouth and spews out a thick blood fog, which makes the bullets shrouded in the blood fog.
This blood fog not only blocked the high-altitude projectiles, but also corroded them and wiped them out in an instant.
"find the target"
Turned to look at the Kose Luo bottle with blood in its eyes, and its flight speed suddenly accelerated a few minutes towards the high disease.
Chapter 333 Careless
The silk bottle flew to the front of the tall body in a blink of an eye, so that he would come without responding. He could watch the silk bottle open wide and his mouth was full of foul smell and bite at his neck.
Although Gao’s body is not a real body, but Lin Yang refined it for him, there is still blood flowing in this jade body. After all, this body is made of chalcedony, and Ming Xi and others are transformed into flesh and blood.
At once, blood gushed out from the wound at Goldberg’s neck with the bite of the bottle.